1 Corinthians Week 130

We cracked open 1 Corinthians 14 today, starting with the order of the sign gifts in chapter 12:27-31, as well as Ephesians 4:10-12.  Apostles and prophets have long disappeared from the scene, because they were 1st century and early church positions.  There was no finished work of the New Testament, so they were needed.  Apostles had a specific criteria given in Acts 1:21-23.  They had to be men who were with the Lord his entire ministry.  Paul is the only Apostle with a special dispensation of grace, being handpicked by the Lord Jesus Christ in Acts 9 to be the one and only Apostle to the Gentiles. 1 Corinthians 15:8; Galatians 2:1-10

Evangelists, pastors, and teachers are current in the gifts. But, we saw in Ch.12:31, Ch.13:1 & 13 that above any and all gifts, unconditional agape love is the engine that drives the fulfillment of anyone’s ability to minister in this Dispensation of the Grace of God.  It is the more excellent way!  The Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 comes out of the life of agape love!
Paul made it clear that his desire was that everyone would be able to teach truth to others, not just of things to come, but instruction in righteousness with the purpose of maturing the audience.  Teaching truth from a life filled with the fruit of the Spirit is to be preferred above any spiritual gift, especially tongues.  Remember – biblical tongues is defined in the book of Acts as a known spoken language by a nation or people group. 
We will see later in the chapter that Paul makes is abundantly clear that in V.6,9, & 19 that clear understandable words in the ears of the hearers is more important than 10,000 words in an unknown language!  We will have an exciting time as we get more and more into chapter 14 in the weeks ahead.