1 Corinthians Week 135

I REMEMBERED!  Praise the Lord, it came to me this afternoon, while chatting with my SnL, Jesse. As we discussed Ezekiel 14 this morning, and the curse of coming to the Word of God with idols in your heart, and how God will answer us according to our idols.  The statement I wanted to share is: The Bible isn’t difficult to understand; it is just hard to believe.  We must be careful about only believing the parts of the Bible that suit our religious desires, and ignoring the plain truth, that is given to us.

As Paul was very careful to give exact instruction concerning worship and edification in the assembly, we must consider that what he instructed them, we must pay attention to.  The main focus is that God is not the author of confusion, but of peace — V.33.

The plain instruction concerning the use of the sign gifts, especially tongues and prophecy is given in V.27-33.  The need for order in the assembly:
Concerning tongues, the gift of speaking in a language that is unknown to the speaker, but known to the ones who need to hear the message of the cross. V.22 is very clear that the gift of tongues is not for believers, but for unbelievers, in the narrow sense, the nation of Israel / Jews.  In the broader sense, any people group whose only hope of salvation is hearing the truth from a willing vessel / missionary the Holy Spirit gifts the ability to communicate with them.  In our country, as well as the educated world at large,  the exercise of this gift is not practicable.

I. Three guidelines for the exercise of the gift of tongues in the assembly — V.27-28 (Connected to V.22) :

1. Two or three at the most to speak with tongues.

2. There must be an interpreter to explain to the assembly what is being said to those receiving the message in tongures.

3. If there is no interpreter, keep silence.

To ignore these 3 guidelines is to step outside of God’s plan for order in the church.

II. There is a need to examine all teaching — V.29-33:

1. No more than two or three to prophesy in the assembly.

2. There must be someone to judge the validity of their prophetic words.

3. The purpose is to learn, be edified, and comforted.

There are many giving “prophetic words” in today’s Christian circles, but it is largely unsubstantiated and unfulfilled prophecies, seeking to fleece the flock of God!  From such turn away!  We must be sure to run everything we hear through God’s Word.  Isaiah 28:13 reminds us that it must be precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little.

Paul clarified it in 2 Timothy 2:15: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 
We must be prepared to compare the truth of scripture to what is given as truth in today’s climate of false teaching filling the air waves.