1 Corinthians Week 153

Well, as is the case most weeks, we did not get as far as I planned for us to, but, we did get as far as we needed to.  We have now completed our study of 2/3 of the first resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:23: But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.

1. The firstfruits resurrection of the Old Testament Saints along with Christ at his resurrection.  We must remember that the OT saints belong to God.  
2. The main harvest of the Church Age saints.  The rapture  resurrection of the body of Christ, the chaste virgin, the bride of Christ completes the Dispensation of the Grace of God and ushers in the 7 year tribulation.  Christ’s coming is divided into two phases: 

     A.  His appearing in the clouds to receive us into glory (1 Thess 4:13-18; 1 Cor 15:50-54)          The judgment seat of Christ occurs at this time, where all of the Church Age saints receive the reward of the stewardship of their lives. (1 Cor 3:10-15; 2 Cor 5:7-10)    

B.  His 2nd Advent, physical return to establish the 1,000 year messianic kingdom. He will judge the wicked of this             world, purging out all rebellion and bringing in the peace of his everlasting kingdom. Isaiah 9:6-7

This coming Sunday, we will see what the Bible says about the Gleanings harvest of the tribulation saints.  This will be the third “come up hither” calling all who are under the altar, in paradise up to the marriage supper of the Lamb.  It will be a fast and furious Bible study time, so come prepared to look into the Old Testament, as well as the New Testament scriptures to see what is in store for those who reject the Antichrist, and listen to message of the two witnesses, and the 144,000 male virgin missionaries from the 12 tribes of Israel.  I am already excited about what we will discover together!