My Dear Friends,
We flew through Matthew 13 this morning! Understanding the difference between the Kingdom of Heaven (physical kingdom) and the Kingdom of God (spiritual kingdom) is vital to understanding this world system that we live in today. We must always remember that the Kingdom of God operates within this false narrative of the physical kingdom that Satan is the ruler of. Luke 4:5-7 reminds us that his position of power over humanity is given to him by God.
The Kingdom of God — (Romans 14:17; 1 Cor. 15:50) is within the hearts of all born again believers in this age.
It is always important to remember to apply the 3 applications of Bible study to everything you read — there is a historical application that the event actually happened; there is a devotional / inspirational application that the scripture can be applied in a spiritual way in your life, and the Church Age in general; last, there is a doctrinal application to a specific group, like the Church or Israel, whether in the present or future. Much of what we looked at today dealt with Israel and the future — the end of the tribulation.
The doctrinal understanding of Matthew 13 is:
1. V.3-23: There are 4 types of spiritual ground in the hearts of men in this current world system. Two are “lost” — wayside (hard hearted) and stony ground (religious interest, but no root); two are “born again” — thorny ground (has root but no fruit, because of the deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this world) and good ground that bears fruit.
2. V. 24-30 & 36-43: The Tares and Wheat — devotionally, we can see that there are unsaved people scattered in amongst the truly born again in any church, but the doctrinal application has to do with what happens at the end of the tribulation, and reaping that is going on — the tares — children of the wicked one (the devil) are gathered first and cast into the fire and burned. This could include those who take the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:8-18; 14:9-11). The wheat are the children of the kingdom of Heaven. They will be able to go into the millennial kingdom in their physical bodies and enjoy the 1,000 years of peace in the kingdom of Messiah Jesus.
3. V.31-32: The Mustard Seed Tree — pictures the growth of the Church / Christianity during this time of the false narrative of the Kingdom of Heaven, while Jesus is in Heaven and the devil has been given charge of the world. Even with its growth, there are still “birds” that rest in its branches, whose goal is to snatch the truth away from unsuspecting believers, through false doctrine.
4. V.33: The Leaven of false doctrine being spread throughout orthodox Christendom by the “woman” who pictures the Babylon Mystery Religion in Revelation 2:18-24 (Jezebel) & Revelation 17 – 18.
5. V.44: The Treasure in the field is a picture of Israel that has been purchased. It is the everlasting kingdom of the nation of Israel that will lead the world in eternity future.
Exodus 19:5; Psalm 135:4; Malachi 3:17
6. V.45-46: The Pearl of Great Price is the Church that is purchased during the time of the false Kingdom of Heaven narrative going on while the devil is in control of this world. Jesus purchased it with his death, burial, and resurrection. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
7. V.47-50: The Net is another metaphor that reinforces the cleansing of the wicked from this world that will happen at the 2nd Advent when Jesus returns, with all the hosts of heaven to establish his everlasting kingdom – Isaiah 9:6-7. The net makes sure that none of the fish escape the culling process. The good fish are gathered into vessels, like the wheat into the barn, but the bad fish are cast away — into a furnace of fire, like the tares!
The tares, the bad fish, those who are “taken” in Matthew 24:36-42, the “goats” of Matthew 25:31-46 are all pictures of what will happen to the wicked at the 2nd advent. This is also what is explained in Revelation 14:15-20 with the reaping with the sharp sickles. The wicked will be purged from this world! The wheat, the good fish, “those who remain” in Matthew 24:36-42, and the “sheep” in Matthew 25:31-46, all picture the righteous who are welcomed into the millennial kingdom.