1 Corinthians Week 47


I really thought we would get through this detour into angels today, but, I was wrong.  We were able to get much accomplished, and the class was very exciting with all the scriptures we were able to examine.  Comparing God’s design of authority that God the Son created in Colossians 1:12-17 and copied by Satan with his wicked government in Ephesians 6:12.  Certain holy angels and certain angels from Satan’s copycat wicked government are given responsibilities and titles as Princes and Kings of nations – Daniel 10:2-13, 12:1-2.
We will complete our “scenic overlook” of angels next week, hopefully.  I made a final statement, to stir your interest, that demons are not mentioned in the Bible.  I am sure that many of you scoured through your Bibles to see if it was true.  Actually, demons are mentioned 63 times in the New Testament.  They have several different titles — unclean spirits, seducing spirits, devils (plural), and demons.  They are not part of the 1/3 of the angels that followed Lucifer in his attempted overthrow of God’s throne.  We will discuss them, too, as we wind up our look at angels.