1 Corinthians Week 66


It was an awesome study this morning, finishing our class with a fire alarm.  We got to take a look at Paul’s encouragement to all of us, that, in Christ we are all one, regardless of social status, job status, economic status, or family status.  We will continue our understanding of our calling next Sunday.
It was incredible to see, in Colossians 3, the complete recipe for the productive Christian life.  If you want to make your days count for Christ, regardless of social, economic, or familial status, scripture gives us the formula that we can all follow.
1.  Keep my focus on eternal matters. V.1-4 & Matthew 6:19-21
2.  Put to death, the 5 (number of death) major categories of the lust of the flesh. V.5-7
3.  Put off, moment by moment, the 5 (number of death) heart attitudes that are manifested in hateful actions. V.8 (Matthew 12:34)
4.  Do not lie any more — dishonesty is the major heart issue of the old man. V.9-11 & Ephesians 2:1-3
5.  Put on the 7 (number of perfection or completion) attitudes of the new man that uplift and encourage others. V.12-13 & Phil. 4:8
6.  Put on unconditional love – charity, the 8th attitude which reveals the new man.  8 is the number of new beginnings.
     V.14 & Romans 5:1-5
7.  Let the peace of God rule in my heart. V.15a
8.  Be thankful.  V.15b & 1 Thessalonians 5:18
9.  Grow in the Word of Christ.  V.16
10.  Let everything you do reflect who you are in Christ — be a 24/7 Christian!  V.17
Let us all take the challenge to apply this recipe for Christian maturity to our lives on a daily basis!