Revelation 1 Destiny of Sons of God Info
It is so exciting to see that the Bible interprets itself and defines itself, especially in scriptures that need to be compared to other scriptures, in order to get a clear understanding of what they mean. Remember, all scriptures have three applications — 1. Historic — these events actually happened 2. Doctrinal — these events generally have future implication … Read more
Sunday was an exciting time looking into the “perfect law of liberty” and see the doctrinal picture of the world’s cultural and religious climate of the Day of Christ – the rapture of the church. We saw the picture of Enoch in Genesis 5:24, Hebrews 11:5, & Jude 14-15, that he is a picture of … Read more
Sunday’s Bible study was a great time of digging into Daniel 7 and Revelation 1. It is incredible how John and Daniel, over 500 years apart, gave identical physical descriptions of the Holy and righteous One. Please read Revelation 2 and 3 in preparation for our study of the seven churches.
What an ugly day, weather wise, but Sunday was another exciting look into Daniel 7 and the “beef stew / goulash” of prophecy that Daniel wrote about in his visions. He wrote the “sum of the matters” and we saw how Daniel was all over the prophetic map, from the identification of the world kingdoms … Read more