1 Corinthians Week 126

We are laying a firm foundation concerning the historic understanding of the sign gifts, and tongues in particular.  Each week we will examine what the Bible says about the confusion that exists, because of misunderstanding the purpose and use of the sign gifts.As we saw in Mark 16:17-20, Jesus prophesied all that the apostles would … Read more

1 Corinthians Week 125

As we begin our study in 1 Corinthians 14, it is imperative that we lay a biblical foundation concerning spiritual gifts, especially tongues, or spoken languages that the speaker has no training in, but the hearers understand perfectly.There are several key verses to help build a solid biblical foundation that will keep us grounded as … Read more

1 Corinthians Week 124

It was wonderful to be back in Bible study with you, finishing up 1 Corinthians 13.  We covered quite a lot of ground finishing V.8-13, but it was a great journey, understanding that Agape / unconditional love is unique only to the Dispensation of the Grace of God. I will send out the outline for … Read more