1 Corinthians Week 157

Yesterday was quite exciting, reviewing the three prophetic terms of the end times:   The Day of Christ — the next event on God’s prophetic calendar.  This is the rapture of the Church, the Bride of Christ. Philippians 1:6,10, 2:16; 2 Thess 2:1-2 (Ephesians 5:25-33 gives us understanding concerning our relationship to Christ — the mystery … Read more

1 Corinthians Week 156

Well, yesterday, we got neck deep in the great tribulation, the 2nd half, known as the time of Jacob’s trouble, and how the tribulation saints wound up under the altar, in paradise, reopened for the tribulation.  The man of sin, son of perdition, the Antichrist, the Beast, makes a 7 year peace treaty / covenant … Read more

1 Corinthians Week 155

Today, we started unpacking Revelation 6 and the Seal Judgments.  Reading Daniel 9 & 12 helps us realize how connected these two books are.  Daniel really is the Revelation of the Old Testament, and Revelation is the Daniel of the New Testament.  They help us understand each one in light of the other.  As I … Read more

1 Corinthians Week 154

Today, we started to unpack part 3 of the first resurrection, known as the Gleanings.  This is the harvest of the tribulation saints, who were killed, and as we will see next week, they are in paradise / under the altar waiting for the call “Come up hither!” to come to the marriage supper of … Read more