Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Week 10

Today we began our brief walk through the Book of Acts, written by Luke, the beloved physician — Colossians 4:14.  Progressive Revelation is introduced to us through observing how this history of the Acts of the Apostles starts out with the gospel of the kingdom to the Jews – the circumcision, and transitions into the … Read more

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Week 9

Yesterday was a lot of fun going through the brief overview of Matthew, one of the most difficult books in the Bible. The gospels make the transition from Old Testament to New Testament, and Matthew, being the first book of the New Testament, is vital to understanding the transition.   It is truly one of the … Read more

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Week 8

We covered quite a lot of ground today, as we walk through the chart of the chronology of the of the Dispensations of Scripture.  We can use this chart to help us navigate through all of scripture!  We know where we are based on Paul’s testimony.  We are in the Mystery period that has been … Read more

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Week 7

What can I say?  Everything that I prepared to teach yesterday was suddenly replaced with those things that we needed to grasp in Romans 11:1-15 & 25-27.  The Three Strikes against Israel, removing them as the repository of God’s grace toward mankind during this Mystery Period known as the Dispensation of the Grace of God … Read more