Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth week 32

What a wonderful class yesterday!  Contrasting Paul’s teaching concerning justification by grace alone, to James’s teaching of justification by works, helps us to realize that rightly dividing the Word is critical to keeping us from bad doctrine.  We know that Paul’s teaching is to us, in this mystery period of the dispensation of grace, while … Read more

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth week 31

Today, we were able to get through Romans 1:18-3:18, in our overview of Paul’s great book of doctrine for this Dispensation of Grace.  Understanding that our Bible was arranged dispensationally, not chronologically, is of utmost importance when we are reading and studying. The oldest book in the Bible is Job, yet our Bible begins with … Read more

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth week 30

We have officially begun our journey through Paul’s epistles / letters to churches and individuals in this “mystery period” known as the dispensation of the grace of God.  God is dispensing grace directly to the world, without having to go through Israel, as in “times past.”  Our chart that we see each week, reminds us … Read more

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Week 29

Yesterday’s Bible study was so exciting seeing how Paul received the message of salvation by grace for this dispensation, by direct revelation from the Lord himself, and then compared that revelation to the revelation that John received some 30 – 35 years after the death of Paul, concerning the prophecy for the end of the … Read more

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth week 28

We were thoroughly immersed in the “But Now” section of the chart today, in our study of Ephesians 2:13 and following.  In reading Colossians 2:8-17, we saw a direct connection to Ephesians 2, understanding that a spiritual operation occurs in each of us when we are saved.  There is a circumcision of the heart that … Read more