Galatians 2 RDTW week 60

We began our overview of Galatians 2, understanding this to be Paul’s account of Acts 15, and how he defended his apostleship to the Gentile world. The gospel of the uncircumcision (Gentiles) was committed to him by the Lord Jesus Christ, just as much as the gospel of the circumcision (Jews) was committed to Peter … Read more

Galatians 1:11-12 RDTW 59

I would like to start this synopsis by stating that the whole issue of the gospel of grace during this current dispensation of grace aka “The Mystery” and the gospel of the circumcision of the early believers in Jerusalem, and the gospel of the kingdom preached by Jesus and the disciples, which will be preached … Read more

Dispensations RDTW 58

Thank you all for allowing me to go through a review of the “Mystery” and how all the dispensations, through the progressive revelation of God, in due time, brought Jesus into this world to be the long awaited savior. The dispensations are as follows: Innocence – when Adam was in the garden of Eden, given … Read more