Eternity 3 – RDTW 114

Today, we went on a whirlwind tour of the foreknowledge of God, and how his omniscience guided the writers of our Bible to reveal not only world empires that were to come, but also how He interacts and intervenes in our individual lives. As we walked through some powerful verses in Daniel, we came to understand … Read more

Eternity 2 RDTW 113

Today was Week Two of a three week study of God’s prophetic program from eternity past to eternity future in light of current events. Everything we see in the news and other media sources shows a global culture that out of control. It is imperative that we stay the course in our faith and trust … Read more

RDTW 112

Today, we embarked on a three week study of God’s prophetic program from eternity past to eternity future in light of current events. Everything we see in the news and other media sources shows a global culture that out of control. It is imperative that we stay the course in our faith and trust in … Read more

Revelation Study Charts + a few others.

Chart of “The Church” Transdispensational-Truth Titus -Doctrine-Duty Chart Phillipians Study Chart What IF? time-line chart if Jesus was crucified on Wednesday How to study the Bible Chart… revelation-chart-daniels-70th-week revelation-chart-mans-time-line revelation-chart-seal-judgments-timeline revelation-chart-trumpet-judgments-timeline revelation-chart-vial-judgments-timeline These are the charts that will help you in your study of the Book of Revelation.  I trust that they are an encouragement … Read more

RDTW 111 What If?

This past week was Passion Week, and is a very exciting week, because Passover occured on Wednesday this year. We explored “What If” this morning. What if Jesus was not crucified on “Good Friday” as all of Christendom teaches, but was crucified on Passover Wednesday? We all agree that the four gospels all end with … Read more