Revelation 1 The Days of Lot

Sunday was an exciting time looking into the “perfect law of liberty” and see the doctrinal picture of the world’s cultural and religious climate of the Day of Christ – the rapture of the church.

We saw the picture of Enoch in Genesis 5:24, Hebrews 11:5, & Jude 14-15, that he is a picture of Philadelphian church in Rev. 3:7-11, being a preacher of righteousness, a man of faith, who loved the Lord, and pleased God with his life.  He was prepared to meet the Lord in the air.
Then, we studied Lot in Genesis 19 and 2 Peter 2:6-9, that Lot is a picture of a Laodicean Christian, filled with carnality and vexed with the filthy communication of the world.  Lot was just and righteous, but not of his own deeds.  He was righteous because of God’s grace in his life.  When it was time to escape the righteous judgment of God, because of his own lifestyle, Lot could not convince his sons in law to leave with him.  Lot was literally pulled out of Sodom by the angels, and the wrath of God was unleashed upon the inhabitants.  Lot is a picture of the rapture, because he leaves, by the hand of God, and destruction comes.