Revelation 2 Pergamos 1

Pergamos — the Capital of what we now call Turkey…the center of political, social, and spiritual power in the first century.  It is the place where Satan’s Seat was!  The Babylon Mystery Religion was a powerfully entrenched force throughout the known world.  We will see it again when we get to Rev 17 & 18 in our study.
We have spent two weeks in the letter to Pergamos, discovering what the doctrine of Balaam (Numbers 22-25) meant in the first century when John wrote the letter (historic application); what it means in the Age of Pergamos from 325 AD to 500 AD (Doctrinal application); and what the doctrine of Balaam (Rev 2:14) — eat things sacrificed to idols and commit fornication –means to us today (devotional application).  We will continue to look at the compromise of Pergamos (“much marriage”) next Sunday, when I return from NYC.  It is incredible how Satan can change his tactics — when persecution did not work in Smyrna (1 Peter 5:8-9), he sought to corrupt the church in Pergamos, through acceptance by the world.  He is the great deceiver!  2 Cor 11:14-15  The doctrine of Balaam – Rev 2:14; the error of Balaam – Jude 11; the way of Balaam – 2 Peter 2:15-16 are three great warnings to the 21st Century church and individual Christians!