Revelation 2 Pergamos & Thyatira

This past Sunday we began to look deeply into the church at Thyatira, the twin sister to Pergamos.  Pergamos was guilty of holding the doctrine of Balaam — eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication.  Lev 20:1-6 gave us insight into this doctrine to understand that it is two-fold.  There is the obvious understanding of immorality, but there is also what God pointed out in Leviticus — spiritual immorality, chasing after other gods, which ultimately resulted in the destruction of Israel.
Please take time to re-read 1 Kings 11:1-12 to see God’s prophecy toward Solomon and Israel.  Please read 1 Kings 16-21 this week, as we open up the study of Jezebel.  You can also read Proverbs 5 and 7 to read about the “strange woman” which pictures Jezebel.  Revelation 17 ties it all together with the Great Whore of the Babylon Mystery Religion.
God has really been teaching me how the Doctrine of Balaam has permeated our entire world culture.  We will spend some time dealing with this and how it is pictured in the parable of the leaven in Matthew 13.  This is such a dangerous doctrine, and Satan is so cunning and slick, that we have been so affected and infected by this doctrine, that we cannot even recognize it.
I encourage you to make sure you are in Bible study this coming Sunday.  Comparing scripture with scripture concerning that woman Jezebel will open our spiritual eyes, and make us more aware of the power of Satan in this world.  Remember to pray diligently one for another and love one another.