Revelation 9C The Man of Sin

We finally got through the verses concerning the king of the bottomless pit!  It is always amazing and encouraging when you compare scripture with scripture and come to a simple conclusion concerning one of the most important figures of the end times — the king of the bottomless pit…John 6:70, 17:12; 2 Thess 2:3-10; Revelation 9:11; 11:7.
He is called the son of perdition.  He ascends out of the bottomless pit, to be the false messiah.  Acts 1:25 tells us that Judas went to his own place, a place where he would be king.  The spirit of Judas Iscariot, whom Jesus called “a devil” and “the son of perdition”,  the mystery of iniquity, will be the Beast, the Antichrist, the Assyrian, the man of sin.
This coming Sunday we will look at the 2nd parenthetical chapter of Revelation — ch.10.  A parenthetical chapter explains events that occur during the tribulation — ch. 7 occurs between the 6th & 7th seal, and ch. 10 occurs  between the 6th & 7th trumpet.  There is no time element attached to the parenthetical chapters.  They occur during the tribulation, but are not chronological to the the seals (ch. 7) or trumpets (ch.10).  Please read ch.10 – 11 in preparation for our study this Sunday.