We have begun our overview of the application portion of Galatians! Chapters 1-4 give us doctrine – our standing, our position, the wealth. Chapters 5-6 reveal our state, the power, our walk. Chapter 5 is clearly about the liberty we have in Christ. Liberty means: Freedom to do as we should, not as we please. In its purest form it means we have the freedom to do what is right. John 8:32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Our liberty in Christ is based on three major thoughts: The abolishment of death – 2 Timothy 1:10 The abolishment of the letter of the Law – Ephesians 2:15 The abolishment of the law of sin – Romans 8:2-3 In v.1-14, Paul calls out the danger of religious ritual and outward displays of spiritual piety as the measure of salvation. He reveals the danger of leaven in v.9, reminding us that bad doctrine in the church will pollute the entire lump! Two types of leaven in the New Testament: The leaven of open sin in the body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 5:1-8 The leaven of bad doctrine – Matthew 13:33, 16:11-12 Paul culminates this first section of chapter 5 stating the greatest outward manifestation of who we are in Christ is not in some religious ritual, but in the demonstration of unconditional love, in v.14. There is no eternal benefit to religious ritual, nor of having no religious ritual. Ultimately, it is faith that is revealed in our love for one another. Next week we will dig into the second half of this application of the truth we have received. V.15-26 is all about the battle between the flesh and the spirit. Ultimately, we will see what pleases the Lord is not a “work” but a “fruit” that only the Holy Spirit can produce in a life submitted to walking in the Spirit! Please read Romans 6:1-15, Romans 7:14-25, and Romans 8:1-10 in preparation for our study concerning this ongoing battle we face each day between the flesh and the spirit.