Galatians 6:1-5 RDTW 68

Galatians 6:1-5 are given to us as a measure of our maturity when we are given the opportunity to restore (repair or mend) a brother or sister in Christ who was overtaken in a “fault” – a willful sin, offence, trespass, or transgression. This is imperative to the health and stability of the church family. We must follow this directive to prevent us from falling prey to a similar temptation.

As we saw in 1 Corinthians 5:1-5 and 2 Corinthians 2:4-11, the church allowed a public display of immoral behavior within the body that brought the leaven of sin in their midst, a poison that would prevent the Holy Spirit from working in their midst. When the offender repented, and wanted to be restored, the church refused to allow the member back into their midst. Paul had to correct them in both occasions, first, for doing nothing, and second, for refusing to show the love of Christ toward the individual.

Helping the repentant brother or sister be restored is accomplished by bearing the burden of restoration with them. This public display of unconditional love is critical to the process. We need to care for a fallen church member as we would want to be cared for if the roles were reversed!

Ultimately, we prove our own work and bear our own burden, and quietly rejoice in the victory we have in Christ. We will complete our study of Galatians this coming Sunday!