Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth Week 5

Isaiah makes it clear that the honest Bible student must compare scripture with scripture – precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, and there a little!  We must be very careful not to come to scripture with preconceived notions and ideas, seeking verses of scripture to back up our belief system.  Ezekiel 14:4 is a stern warning concerning idols of the heart.
In the last days of the Dispensation of Law, in the ministry of Jesus, just before he paid the sin debt of the whole world, on Calvary, he had a conversation with a wealthy young man, in Matthew 19:16-24.  Being in the Old Testament, Jesus gave him the lawful answer of how to inherit eternal life — keep the law!  The young man wanted to fill that gnawing emptiness in his soul with some good work that he could feel good about himself.  The fact is, that Abraham’s bosom was filled with faithful, obedient people, whose personal righteousness was enough to enter heaven.  They were all in paradise waiting for the perfect atonement, so that they could go to heaven.  When the young man pressed the Lord for something more that he could do, Jesus told him to sell all his possessions and give the proceeds to the poor, and follow him.  He was not willing to sacrifice his wealth, and went away sorrowful. 
Folks, God’s method of dealing with man, and distributing his grace was clearly different in the days of the Law, than it is in this dispensation of Grace.  We know that there is nothing we can do to merit or earn eternal life, unlike in the time of the Law.  We trust in the finished work of Christ for our salvation.
Next Sunday, we will look at the three major divisions of the seven dispensations on the board from innocence to the kingdom.  The three major divisions on the chart are “Time Past”, “But Now”, and “Ages to Come”.  We will start unpacking how these three major divisions affect us in the Mystery period known as the Dispensation of Grace.
Let us all ponder the difference between Acts 3:21 and Romans 16:25-27 this week, and how Peter preached to a Jewish audience early in Acts, and how Paul preached to a mixed audience late in Acts.  Peter preached what was revealed to Israel from the beginning. Paul preached the hidden wisdom, the Mystery kept secret since the world began!  Remember the statement on our outline:  THINGS DIFFERENT ARE NOT ALIKE.  THINGS DIFFERENT ARE NOT THE SAME.  These are clearly two different messages for two different groups at two different times, both of which occur after the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ!  It is starting to get good!