2 Corinthians 10 RDTW 56

Completing 2 Corinthians 10 was a big step in finishing our overview next Sunday. Next Sunday, December 19th, is our final class until January 2nd. We will not meet on December 26th. We will begin our overview of Galatians in the new year. So, we will attempt to get through the final three chapters of 2 Corinthians this coming Sunday. Please read these final three chapters this week in preparation for our Bible study next Sunday.

Understanding the spiritual warfare we are all engaged in is a big step in our personal growth in Christ. As we began our review of chapter 11, previously, we discovered that V.1-11 teach us how to wage spiritual warfare. It is not fought with physical weapons through physical means. Please take note of Ephesians 6:10-18 and 2 Timothy 2:1-4 as companion scriptures to V.3-6.
V.7-9: We must remember that position and power are not evidence of authority. Jesus deals with this issue in Mark 10:35-45.

V.10-11: Attacks come from all sides, so, we must be in communication with the Lord, in order to receive encouragement and comfort when it cannot be found in those we associate with. Daily intake of God's Word is the first step in protecting ourselves from an attack of the “poor me's.” Elijah was despondent in 1 Kings 19:9-12, and the Lord had to remind him that fellowship with him is not found in the sensory overload of the powerful wind, or the earthquake, or the fire. Deep, abiding fellowship with our Lord and Savior is found in the quiet moments carved out of a busy schedule, just for Bible study and prayer. The still small voice of God speaks volumes to us when we are in tune with him!

V.12-13: Paul reveals how to measure spiritual maturity. We must not measure ourselves by ourselves, but to always measure ourselves by the Lord Jesus Christ!

The last five verses of 2 Corinthians 10 pose three questions to evaluate our spiritual maturity.
V.14-16: Am I where God wants me to be? This is not a physical destination as much as a spiritual destination. God will not reveal his physical plan for your life if you are not pursuing his will for your life. God's will is spiritual – to be conformed to Christ. Romans 8:28-30

V.17: Is God glorified by my life?

V.18: Can the Lord commend my effort?

2 Timothy 2:15: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Your Fellow Bible Student,

Ken Wooten
2 Timothy 2:15