RDTW week 154 God’s Will in the Church Age

We continued our study of the Lord’s Prayer this morning, looking at the devotional application of this kingdom prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. We focused on the phrase “thy will be done.” In this dispensation of the grace of God, we are given seven specific commands concerning the will of God. God’s will is a spiritual … Read more

RDTW week 152 Conduct of the Citizens of the Kingdom

<<—Audio only file for listening while walking or driving. Well, we began to unpack the middle chapter of the Sermon on the Mount today. Chapter Six contains so much kingdom teaching. The King is offering the kingdom to Israel, with the constitution of the kingdom of heaven, explaining how the Mosaic Law will be enhanced … Read more

RDTW week 151 The New Wine of the Kingdom

Below is the audio only recording of today’s lesson for those of you who would like to listen while you drive or walk or what ever. It is a very small file size. It was great to complete Matthew 5 in our study of the Gospels viewing them through the lens of Mystery that was … Read more

RDTW Week 150 Judgment of the Nations

Today marked our 150th Bible study under the title of Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. I can hardly believe it! We have journeyed so far, but it seems like we have barely scratched the surface! I made mention of the four things the average church goer is familiar with: 1. John 3:16 2. The … Read more