Revelation 6B Seal 1 The Man of Sin

It was an exciting study this past Sunday, looking at the character traits of the “man of sin”, the “son of perdition”. This rider on the white horse, who comes conquering through peace, is a copycat.  Satan puts the false Christ before the world, before the true Prince of peace comes to rule and reign with a rod of iron at the 2nd advent, also on a white horse.
I enjoyed looking back into Daniel and the description of this dubious world leader, who will “wear out the saints” – Daniel 7:25. It was also incredible to see how Judas Iscariat had the same traits and title of the antichrist.  Jesus called him a devil in John 6:70-71.  He also called him the “son of perdition” in John 17:12, the same title as Paul gives the antichrist in 2 Thess 2:3.  It is an incredible comparison.